Monday, August 6, 2007

Animal Collective

This is a band that is so wierd that you're not sure whether you are able to admit to yourself that you like them. They're either extremely pretentious or actually, genuinely insane. I think it's pretty obvious that it's the latter, which is why I think I like them but I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure Lord Newton would like them. To get a feel for what they sound like download "Who could win a rabbit" "Leaf House" "Grass" and "mouth wooed her" but don't tell anyone I told you to. They sound like the troubadour in Robin Hood only underwater and on an LD50 amount of mushrooms, the introduction of which into a listening experience would probably be pretty life-changing. And if you don't like them at least try and laugh at how ridiculous they are.

1 comment:

P-Newt said...

"Who Could Win a Rabbit" is earth shatteringly beautiful.