Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What Fucking Ian?

On a most wintry night in Toronto, Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant was asked what he thought of his opening act that evening, Jethro Tull. "If all this snow was cocaine, Jethro DULL could do a winter season." he replied.

Jethro Dull? Who the fuck do you think you are Plant? Nice fucking hair douchebag.

Nice line really, but comedy isn't your thing...it's Jethro Tull's thing, sort of. The classic "Locotmotive Breath" became the unintentional vehicle for one of recorded music most hilarious instances. If you're not familiar with the band you're a fucking screwhead, but no matter. You don't need to know much about them, just that the frontman, Ian Anderson, played lead flute for the band.

About 3 minutes and 2 seconds into the song (at least thats what my iTunes is showing,)

in the middle of a most impressive flute solo, Ian cracks. I don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't heard it. Seriously, go check it out. Listen to the solo and just think of what this man's face must have looked like right before that glorious noise.

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